as mentioned in the previous post - i went to the doctor last week. I got the call on Saturday. "Melissa, Dr. Anson wants to see you. It's about your bloodwork." WHAT? ummm..ok. "It's not urgent, she just wants to see you." *whew* not urgent. I feel a little better. But i'm still nervous. What are they going to tell me? What's wrong? Thank goodness I was leading worship this weekend. That meant I was out of the house, and didn't have to sit here and think about it. Anyone who knows me at all knows I don't like the unknown. I dont like surprises, and I'm impatient. :-)
So I go this morning at 9:30. Here's what I find out. My thyroid levels are still low, so more than likely, i'll have to increase my dosage when I have this tested again. That explains a little.
Here's what explained a lot. - I'm extremely B12 deficient. did I mention extremely?? She said she's been seeing a lot of Vitamin B deficient women lately, but mine was the lowest she's seen. On a scale of 200-1100 - I'm at 204. She was like - "Look Melissa, your B12 is in the toilet." Also, though- due to my age, she thinks I could respond well to B12 vitamin pills, rather than having to get the shot. I'll have that checked again in a month. If this super b complex vitamin doesn't do it, then bring on the needles!!
It's so funny, because I never even thought about B12. I know so many people who are B12 deficient, but I never thought about that for myself. I've never read up on it, so I didn't know it could cause this whole list of symptoms, which I happen to have. You would know, I'd be in the 10% of people who show neuropsychiatric symptoms, too. That would be the memory loss, and the depression. Other things that are also the cause of this: my hair falling out by the handfuls, sleep problems, numbness and tingling, and falling asleep at my desk.
Other than that - all my levels are perfect. yay!
All this being said - I don't think I'm going to be doing the Alli. It works in a way that keeps vitamins from being processed naturally in your body, so I think since I'm deficient here, I shouldn't do anything to make that any worse. Now - I hope I can get my money back!

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