What normally would be an ordinary weekend, turned out to be EXTRAordinary.
It started with leading worship this weekend. I absolutely LOVE to sing, and I think God has blessed me with a natural gift, and I love to just give it back to Him. Well, not only was this just an awesome weekend music-wise, but in so many other ways. We have so many talented people on the worship team, and this weekend, I felt like it just meshed. I had a blast. I clapped my leg so hard, it was bruised when I got home. oops. I guess I got a little into it.
Well, Sunday morning was extra special. John's mom, stepdad, and little brother came to church. THey had said several times they were going to come, but this time, they really did. There have been some life-changing events for them lately, and they felt they really needed Gods help. God totally brough them there this weekend. Randy's message? "Do the Right Thing". It was the story of David and Bathsheba, and then he went into the part where Nathan confronts David, and tells him that because of the wrong he had done (adultery, trying to cover up the resulting pregnancy, and then sending Uriah [Bathsheba's husband]out in the battlefield to die), his baby with Bathsheba would die. Randy is a phenominal speaker, and it really hit home with a lot of people (including myself), but John's parents...oh my goodness. They were so excited. They LOVED Oak Hills. They want to come back. Kevin, John's little brother has been reading his bible faithfully, and has set time aside each night for his time with the Lord. Let me just say - this is HUGE...I even glanced up to see John walking back to his seat, after praying with Max Lucado. This is another blessing. Not that Max can pray better than others, but it's a big deal for John. I really can't put it in to words how exciting that part of the weekend. Thank you Lord for bringing them to Oak Hills. I pray they come back. Would you pray for them, too?
This morning, I was in prayer time and made a prayer request that I have been making for 3 weeks now. it went something like this: "I know I sound like a broken record, but please continue to pray for my mom. She's STILL without airconditioning, and it's getting very frustrating. It's only a WINDOW UNIT..." Without going into all the details...my mom now has a brand new air conditioning unit being delivered to her house tomorrow. Dorothy Bagley at Oak Hills Church is an absolute angel to me and my mom. She is one of the dearest, sweetest, ladies you could ever meet. and I mean that. I never mentioned that my mom only had a window unit, so everyone had been picturing a big central air unit. When they heard window unit - they were shocked. Several people stepped in and wanted to go get her one, and install it TODAY...until they found out she's 6 hours away.
This was an email from one of those dear people...
It’s just so simple... There are many prayers that are sought in our Prayer
Time that only God can answer... But getting a window air conditioner is
something God can do through US...
What sweet words. I never thought of it that way.
I have really been so moved by people the past couple of days. These are the days that are worth living.
Thank you, Lord, for taking care of my family and friends the way you have. You have not only answered one prayer, but several in just a matter of 24 hours. All glory to YOU!!!
I started my 10 hour work days today. It was still dark when I got to work this morning. yuck. 5:30 am?? I didn't know such a time existed! HA! I enjoyed it. I was extremely busy all day, and I didn't even leave until 5:15!! Normally I'm beatin' the doors down and OUT...let's see how long it takes me to get used to this one!

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