She's driving me nuts...Daisee that is. It's been almost a month, and I still have all this coke stuff in my apartment. I can't keep Daisee from eating the corners of the boxes, and well, to be blunt, it's making her constipated. Poor dog can't push it all out. I feel sorry for her, but she just won't stop. She's always got something in her mouth. It just never seems to be something she's allowed to have.
I did manage, though, to get all of the coke stuff back in boxes - 11 boxes to be exact. They are in a neat stack in my dining room now. This is not great, but it's better than my living room. I had to even put my ottoman out on the porch. Ok, so I did that because Daisee peed on it, and it stunk really really bad. Hopefully it's aired out.
I've got some more changes to talk about! First of all - by just changing my diet - I've lost 5 pounds. I finally saw something below 140 on the scale. yay! Maybe it's because I've been incredibly stressed out, and haven't had much of an appetite. I'm still eating, just not as much. not a bad thing.
Yesterday - I found a new apartment!!! I'm so excited. I don't move until October, but I had to get my hands on this one, because they say they rent out very quickly, and this is the ONLY one they had open for now. I got an incredible deal on this really nice apartment. visit to see the new place. :-) Here's my floorplan.
Of course, i'm not paying the price listed. I'm paying a LOT less. :-)
Another change is going to be my working hours. I'm starting four 10s next week. It's on a trial run basis. With high gas prices, they are providing people with the opportunity to use less gas on trips to and from work. I thought it was a nice gesture - however, I don't think it's going to save anyone on gas. People are using those days to run all over town! So, as opposed to my 18 miles a day to and from work, I'll probably put more on than that some days. :-) Thank goodness for Hondas. My odd thing is I will have Wednesdays off. I think it will break the monontany (do doo do do do do do...manamana. <-- sorry...a little muppets humor). I will work two days, be off one day, work two days, and be off two days.
Jim (my boss) and I sat and had a really long talk this morning about how we can help each other be more productive, since I'm going to be there for 10 hours. See - as I mentioned in one of my very first posts, i generally don't have too much to do, so I'm bored. Adding two more hours to nothing could be a killer. I'm trying to avoid that. Since I'm feeling better, though, I'm much more productive, and can generally stay pretty busy. We'll see how that goes. far as the title of my blog today - it has absolutely nothing to do with the contents. :-)
thanks for dropping by...

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