S ome
P eople
A re
S o
I n-
C onsiderate
*UPDATE* I added a picture at the bottom of the post showing what happens outside my door when it rains...
So only a few of my oldest friends would remember the days of screaming SPASIC!!!! when someone was rude to them, or just had no concerns about anyone but themselves.
Today, I went over to some friends' house to see their new baby, and help out with a few things around the house. When I got home, I followed my normal "come home" routine.
Daisee had been locked in the crate for several hours, and when this is the case, I leave the front door open, go to the crate let her out, and she runs straight for the door. If I don't do this, she'll pee on the floor, cause she's so excited. usually, on the way out the door, i grab a poop bag and her leash. Today, I couldn't find her leash quickly, so I went on outside with just the poop bag. I normally don't put her on the leash anyways, because she stays right with me most of the time.
Well, I have these semi-new neighbors who seem like the unhappiest people ever. I've said hi to them, smiled at them, John's said hi, and both of us get the same response: "Go to hell" looks, and they turn and walk away. At first, I thought maybe they didn't speak english, because in this lovely town, you never know. BUT - Hello, Hi, and a smile are universal - everybody knows that! These are the kind of people I dread running into when I'm outside, and it seems like they come and go so much that i ALWAYS see them. grrr... This was the case today-
As they are getting out of their car, Daisee is minding her own business, and sniffing out a poop place. She then spots him, barks one time, and then goes on about her sniffing. Well...Mr. Nice Guy turns around, raises at her the shoes he has in his hands, and says "Shut the F*ck Up." Yeah. I was kinda mad. I'm non-confrontational (especially with a stranger), so I didn't say anything. UNTIL...he started to walk off, and Daisee started walking the same direction. He turns around, and stomps at her to scare her, and mouths something else to her.
HECK NO. So I said something, and this is how the conversation went:
ME: Look, you don't have to talk to my dog that way and threaten her.
MR. NICE GUY: I didn't threaten your dog. besides, you need to have her on a leash.
ME: She's not bothering you or anyone else. She's fine. Leave her a lone
Mr NICE GUY: I'm gonna turn you in for that. You also need to have a doggie bag.
ME: What do you think this is in my hand?
The whole time, he won't even give me the respect to talk to my face - he's walking off the whole time. JERK.
My dog has been at the Abbey MUCH longer than he has. This is why I hate this stupid apartment complex. Rude people, and holy cow- just in the year I've been there- it's so trashy now. Daisee has quit peeing outside because they don't mow the dang grass. It's so tall, she doesn't like to walk in it. She poops, but she will not pee outside. yeah- you guessed it. She pees inside. AARRRRGGGHHH!!!! My creepy upstairs neighbor has started a new trend with several people - Hey! Let's all just drop our trash out the side of the car instead of taking it inside or 25 yards over to the trash dumpster. There was a hypodermic needle on the ground last week, surrounded by about 30-40 cigarette butts. Hmmm...wonder was going on there. This weekend, someone dumped HUNDREDS of strip club ads all over the place. They are everywhere. My neighbors all smoke, and they love throwing their butts down at my front door. What have I done? Maybe it's because we all got the notice NOT to throw butts on the ground, and they don't want people to know it's them. hmmm..let's see- what else? oh yeah - the flooding. Now there's mud all up to my front door, and it's covering my door mat, so mud is getting tracked into the carpet. I found a bottle of KY Jelly at the end of my sidewalk. huh??? How does that happen? It's nothing to walk out to the grassy area where I take Daisee and it be covered in beer bottles from the party the night before. Of course, she likes to lick them. yuck. I'm amazed the poor thing is still alive.

<-- This is what happens outside my door when it rains. My door is to your right. The water is about 2 1/2 inches deep, and is about 1 1/2 inches from getting into my door.
ok- well, I've vented about this place long enough. Thanks for listening. :-)
oh yeah - i got my hair cut off yesterday. It's cute, but i'm not sure how I feel about it yet. I had grown my hair out for a long time, and I'm now wishing I had just gotten it trimmed. I was enjoying it. most of the time. I convinced myself otherwise when I was sitting in that chair yesterday. Oh well. Lesson learned.