Friday, September 4, 2009

Opening the Door into the Infertility World

My name is Melissa, and I'm infertile.

Hope is not lost at this point, but disappointment has set in.

I do love the New Living Translation version of Psalm 130:5.

I am counting on the Lord; Yes, I am counting on Him.
I have put my hope in His Word.

This is all we can do at this point. Trust in the Lord. His way is perfect.
Please do not be offended, but while encouragement is appreciated, the last words i want to hear right now, are:

"If it's meant to be, God will give you a baby when it's the right time." (or any variation on that) While true, that's not very comforting to me right now. Yes, I know that God will give me a baby when "the time is right," but those words are not going to make me feel better right now. They are not going to take away my desire to have a little one.
I do not want to post details of this week's Doctor visit yet. I want to wait until we sit down with Dr. A next week and actually hear what our options are. All I can ask of you right now is to pray for us. Pray for the right treatment plan, and for us to be wise in the decisions we make as to how far into this journey we want to venture.

I have made some lifestyle changes in hopes of getting in front of the PCOS (lost 5 lbs already!), and maybe... just maybe... I can convince my body to do normal girly things without a lot of intervention.

Our next scheduled appointment is Wednesday - 09.09.09 :-)


The good news? I put the deposit down on our Destin, FL Condo yesterday! It's OFFICIAL! We're goin! Woo Hoo!!


Jeff & Heather said...

Sending prayers your way, knowing how hard the waiting can be. Take care of yourself and congratulations on the weight loss! That's awesome!!!

Anonymous said...

I was not very fond of the "it will happen when the time is right" either. When you've got baby fever, it is a very intense desire of your heart! I hope your wait isn't too much longer.