I only watched the first 10 minutes, and I was so angry, I turned the tv completely off. I was absolutely horrified that some idiot such as Russell Brand would come to the US from another country, and bash our government the way he did. If you didn't see it,and you dont know what I'm talking about - you didn't miss anything. First, he assured everyone that he is very famous in the UK. Of course - no one here knows who the heck he is???? Then, he "begged" America, for the world's sake, to vote for Barack Obama. Then he began name calling, and called Bush a "retarted cowboy fellow." Excuse me? Who do you think you are? You can't tell people who to vote for! You can't even vote in this country! I'll admit, I voted for Bush, and I know he hasn't been the greatest president ever, but he didn't deserve that. He proceeded to go on bashing Sarah Palin, and republicans in general. I couldn't take it anymore, and not just because I'm a Republican - which, really, I'm an American - isn't that all that matters? His remarks were just crude and very ugly. Of course, they're in Hollywood, so there were cheers, but when they showed the audience- there faces told a different story. It was apparent that some of them were not impressed.
When I read the news this morning, I found out he had poked fun at those who wear "Promise Rings", as a promise to God and their future mates to stay abstinent until marriage. Jordin Sparks - wow. She got up and said "I just wanna say, it's not bad to wear a promise ring because not every guy and a girl wants to be a slut, OK?" I'm proud of her for that. The Jonas Brothers were poked fun at too, because they all three wear promise rings as well. Their faces had sheer horror on them as Russell "apologized", and then ended his "apology" with "a little occasional sex never hurt anyone."
Who does this guy think he is? I hope he got on a plane last night and went back to the UK. That was ridiculous.
Now, let me end by saying this - I'm not saying that people shouldn't get to pick who they vote for. I know who I'm voting for, and although it's probably obvious who I'm voting for, that's between me and God, and the machine counting my vote. If you choose to advertise who you're voting for - that's fine. I know, I know - Freedom of Speech. That's why I get to post these opinions on my blog! But just as a lot of places are not allowed to "sway" people to one side or the other - they should have been a little more careful with that. Especially since he was from another country. *sigh*
What's happening in this world? If you didn't see the awards show, you can do a search. he made every news site there is out there.

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