I bought a car.
yes. My very first one. all on my own. I felt like a big girl.
Then I handed John the keys.
John has been driving a 1992 VW Corrado for the past several years, and lately, it's been giving him MAJOR problems. Just since I've known him, he's made so many repairs, it's not even funny. He's replaced, axles, wheel bearings, wheel hubs, batteries, hoses, and I can't even remember what else. not to mention, in Texas - he has no A/C. He's also been having to push start it every single morning before he goes to work. It won't even jump start sometimes. This made for very frustrating starts to what have been VERY long, hard, hot, annoying late days at work.
A few weeks ago, he casually started looking, because he didn't know if he could get financed or not. Well, last week, he got financed through one company, but they were going to charge him 18% interest!! yikes! It was also a smaller amount, so he had a hard time finding anything he liked in that price range. He did find a Mazda rx-8 that we test drove, but both of us were extremely disappointed. I offered to apply, and see if I could get financed, but no success. They said I have an excellent credit score (almost 700!), but I'm on a Debt Management Plan, so they wouldn't touch me. ok. so we'll wait another 8 months, and try again. John's very picky about his cars, too. Not only does he like them fast with turbo, and boost, and blow-off valves, but he likes what we call "rice boy" cars - loud exhaust (not the fart can kind, tho), and big spoilers. ew. Cars are just something we never seem to agree on.
Until Tuesday.
On our way back from Buna to San Antonio, we stopped in Houston to check out a couple of cars that his friend Jason had told him about. Two Dodge SRT-4s. One Red, One Yellow. One with 19,000 miles. One with 70,000. One 2005, one 2003. One $17,000, and one $12,000. *sigh* decisions. We thought it there would be no decision to make, because neither one of us could get financed for the larger amount. Of course, though, when we get there, we can't test drive the cheaper one, because they are making repairs to a worn seat in the cheaper one. John took the keys to the red one, and off he went. 95 mph in a 35 mph zone. The salesman and I got a good laugh off of that one. I just said 'Well, he's gonna test it to it's limits." :-) John doesn't always drive like that - but he LOVES fast cars, and this one is fast. It's got a turbo, and it's a good turbo. Of course, we know what happens next. He falls in love. he fell hard. He wanted that car so bad. Neither one of us liked the yellow one, so basically here's what happened.
John filled out the financial paperwork, and then we jetted, because we didn't think he'd get the financing. The sales guy called about 35 minutes later, and asked if I would co-sign. Sure...I love this guy, and he deserves this new car. I'll help him out. While I'm giving him the information (we had made it to the Love's in Katy by this point, and stopped to get gas), John realizes his wallet's missing. I asked the sales guy, and he went and checked the SRT-4. Sure nuff. It was in there. GRRRRR....ok. Do we drive back in Houston's 5:00 traffic? Do we have the guy mail it to us? Are we gonna get the car, and have to come back to Houston tomorrow anyways? We opted to go on back to San Antonio, and leave the wallet in Houston. We had already been on the road 6 hours, and had 3 more to go.
Anthony (the sales guy) called about 2 hours later, and said he was 99% sure that they could get me financed for the car, but by myself, without John. WHAT?? Are you kidding? He said he would call back the next morning, and let us know. We waited...and waited...and waited... Finally. the call came. 3 hours later than he said....WE GOT THE CAR!! WOO HOO!!
I was so excited. John had his friend, Carlos, ride with us to Houston, and we got there about 3. It was quite an ordeal to actually get the car, but we finally drove it away at 5:45 that evening.
I now own a car that at this point, I had never even sat in. hehe. Oh, and I have to learn to drive it. I haven't driven a stick in about 15 years.
I prayed long and hard about this, and asked God to somehow get us the financing if it was meant to be. I never dreamed it would actually happen. I just told John that if anything happens, I have a new car! :-) Oh, and I begged him to please not get a ticket in it.
oh, Did I mention I'm not the one making payments? :-) That's the best part!
Anyways- He's so proud of it, and I am too. He needed this. I finally got to ride in it for a 20 minutes yesterday. :-) I like. I'm hoping to take it to Buna when I go back in a few weeks. Meet the "Mojo Mobile" :-)

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