Last fall, we had some sidewalks and other concrete areas repoured at the church. I've always been the one that wanted to make a lasting imprint in wet concrete. (My Reebok High Top pumps shoeprints still remain at First Baptist, Buna!) Well, I did it. and then it rained, so they had to repour the sidewalk I had so carefully put my initials in. Drats. So thought maybe that was God's way of saying I shouldn't have done that in a place that was so prominent. one day, one ofthe maintenance workers came and told me of a spot they had poured hours before that was starting to set. perfect!!! I found an old pen, and to the "chiller yard" I went. :-) Well, the concrete was already set enough that it just crumbled. This is how it turned out...

yes, it says "MO". It was supposed to be M.D. Just a little ironic now, seeing as how my last initial is no longer D. John was still working as a security guard at the church, and he was walking past there one day, and thought it was so funny that my "criminal act" had gone sour. That's kinda when he started calling me Mo. We didn't talk that often, but that's what he would call me when we did talk. When we started talking more, we kinda came up with the whole "MoJo" thing - as a combination of our names. :-) You can imagine the looks on his friends' and families' faces when they would hear me call him Jo. :-) One day, I happened to call him my mojo superhero, and that has stuck every since. He even had shirts made for us...

You should know that I wish that John and I had met under different circumstances. My life had been totally turned upside down last fall. John has kept me from going under. He's allowed me to greive the loss of my 7 year marriage, and he's been there for me - even when I had friends that wouldn't be there for me. I'm having to deal with my past, but it's just that now - the past. There are no plans to revive the marriage, as we have both moved on. THe fact of the matter is - I love this guy. He has made leaps and bounds in many many ways over the last 8 months. Sometimes, I just stare at him and wonder how someone so amazing could be a part of my life after all the wrong I did in the past??? There's never a time he's not there for me. He knows my thoughts, and can finish my sentences. He always makes sure I have everything I need, even if he has to make big sacrifices. He stands up for me against people who talk down to me, or treat me wrong (He actually confronted the neighbor that yelled at me about Daisee). His family even sticks up for me against him!!! HA! He will tell me thank you 100 times for fixing a pot of ramen noodles. I love that he appreciates the small things. Nothing goes unnoticed with him. I'm not in it for the praise - but it sure makes me want to do a lot more!
Life's not all peachy-keen, and smellin' like roses. We can aggravate the crap out of each other, but that's normal, right? the most important part - he loves me. and I love him.
You truly are my Mojo Superhero!
Thank you for being you. Thank you for everything you've done for me. Thank you for all of your hard work to make sure I have what I need. Thank you for making me happy at one of the toughest times in my life. Thank you. I love you baby...