This was my to to list at work today. May not seem like much to some people, but this is HUGE compared to what I normally have to do. I normally have time to change my myspace page 5 to 6 times a day, and rearrange my desk about 3 times, check the kitchen for snacks randomly throughout the day, and occasionally take a nap (not on purpose, either! HA!). Anyways - So this morning, I felt great when I got up. Even got up about 7, ate breakfast, watched the morning news, and then got ready for work. I was even on time for the first time in several weeks. I was reminded when I got to work what kind of week I had last week, because I couldn't clock in. See, once you've been clocked in for so many hours, you can do anything with the time clock. I clocked in on Friday, July 11, and hadn't clocked out since. That meant I had to go through and write all my hours by hand so someone else could go in and fix my big mess. Thanks Angie! :-) Thankfully, I got most of the things done on my list. I only have one boss in town this week, so my work for her can be done at a slower pace. I'm hoping the rest of the week will be the same! I have a conference on Friday, so I'm only in the office 4 days this week. Love those weeks!
Not only have I been productive at work, but at home, too. I had let my apartment get a little out of hand, and I took care of that Saturday. ALL clothes washed, folded, and put up. Toilet scrubbed, sinks and bathtub scrubbed, floors mopped, everything dusted, and things just back in order. *sigh* Now I don't feel guilty for sitting here, writing this blog!
Ok, now, as promised. My update from yesterday. The shower was great! Even though I knew like 4 people, it was still good. She didn't come - for reasons that are a little fuzzy. I heard one reason from her brother while I was there, but John thinks that she probably found out he and I were going to be there, so she didn't come. I don't know which is true, and I'm not going to waste my time thinking about it. There's actually a part of me that wants to meet her. I've really only heard good things about her. We all have our baggage, so why should I use that against someone I don't know?
The baby shower did make me a little sad. ok. jealous. so Christian-like, huh? I'm so green right now. :-( I want a baby so bad! One day, I'll be married again, and that will come true.
ok...well...no news on the weight today. I'm holding steady, but hopefully my new found energy will start helping that. The only thing I'll say is - I CAN'T DANCE (not even to the exercise dance videos!!) Dang my Baptist feet!! HA HA
I forgot! Some of you may know that I sing. I love to sing. I feel it's my God-called talent - to stand on a stage and lead worship. I couldn't find a place more rewarding, and more comforting, than in the presence of my Lord...singing, and worshipping him - hands raised, and vulnerable. Thank you Lord for the voice you've given me. Well, I have also been singing the National Anthem at airshows for 6 years. I kinda have an "in", since my dad's the airboss (air traffic control for all the planes in the shows). Shows I've sang at include: Galveston, Wings over Houston, Laredo, New Braunfels, and Jasper. This year, I've done Laredo and Galveston- well the one day it didn't rain... I had been invited back to Wings Over Houston, but today was informed that the announcer they hired also sings the anthem, so it made more sense to use what they already had, rather than pay someone else to come in. I was totally fine with that. It's kind of an answered prayer, anyways. I'll explain that one later too. The good news from my phone call was this...I'm being HIGHLY recommended to sing the anthem at the Lackland AND the Randolph AFB shows this year!! WOO HOO!! I think it would awesome, and a great honor to be chosen for these two shows. Randolph would actually be next year, but Lackland is the first weekend in November. I'm praying I'm chosen for this one!!!
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