(ok... I just have to say that when I typed out the title, my finger slipped, and far turned into "fart". hehe)
Now, to the real post.
I realized that I had never really posted anything about my pregnancy up to this point. In the short time I was pregnant just over a year ago, I was all gung-ho about keeping everyone updated with every little detail. THis time has been different, because I've just been trying to keep myself calm, and stay relaxed so that I can at least enjoy this precious little life inside of me. :-)
So here's my story so far.
On January 8, my mom got that horrible horrible stomach virus that landed her in the ER that evening. If you know me at all, you know I'm horrified of vomiting. HORRIFIED. (Look it up, it's a real phobia - called Emetaphobia) When someone around me is sick, I completely freak out. Sooo... I was terrified I was going to catch this stupid bug, so I was bleach happy, and lysol happy. I mean, mom's really lucky that I didn't spray her down with lysol. I was on the internet researching how long this virus can stay alive on surfaces, and if you catch it, how long would it take to show up... and much more... I was freakin' paranoid!!
As that week progressed, I worried so much that I began to lose my appetite. I couldn't eat anything, and I actually would be nauseous some nights. Sometimes, I worry so much about it, that it does actually make me nauseous. That following Friday, John and I went with a Sunday School class from our church to Crossroads Bowling. We had supper, and then went to Ihop. I felt ok that night, but by the time we got to Ihop, I knew I wasn't hungry at all, so I played it safe, and ordered "air pudding." :-)
On the way home that night, I was super car sick, and thought I wasn't going to make it home. It was in the 20s outside, but I was rolling down windows, and turning the A/C up as far as it would go!! Poor John had icicles hanging from his ears.
Saturday night, we had a huge Shrimp cooking party, in honor of my dad's birthday weekend. I was able to eat a few, but not near as many as I normally would have!
By this time, I knew that something was going on. There was no way this was that silly virus, and while I still worried about it some, it wasn't the main thing on my mind at this point. I kept telling John I should take a test (even though I had already taken one way earlier in the month, and it was a BFN). That Sunday, I confided in Lauren and Shana that I was really suspecting, and that I was going to take a test soon, but wasn't going to get my hopes up.
Sooo.. That Sunday night, John and I "pretended" to go to WalMart to rent a RedBox, but we really went and bought the test.
Monday morning, January 17, I took a test... and it was a BFP!!! It wasn't like last time, where it was so faint that I had to look real hard to see it - it was blatantly there. Singing to me. :-) I calculated that at this point, I should have been 7 weeks along, so I was already farther along than last year. I was SO relieved to know I wasn't catching the stomach bug, but my loss of appetite, and random nausea was real, and not made up in my head!
We of course we told our parents, but after last year, we really didn't want to tell anyone, because retracting it was so crazy hard, and we just didn't want to go through it again. Well, of course, that didn't work, and we were telling everyone when I was 8 weeks or so. (I was still nervous about telling, but in this little town, there are no secrets!)
On January 31, I was at Happy Racket Band practice (a group I sing in from the church), and wasn't feeling all that great. When I stood up to leave and go home, I felt a huge gush, and I was just praying it wasn't blood. I called John on my way home to let him know, and that we needed to decide about going to the ER or not. I was so scared we were about to go through a loss all over again.
I got home, and it was a lot of blood, so I knew immediately we should go. We headed to Baptist Hospital, and they got me right in. Sparing the ER details, the results were:
We had an itsy bitsy teeny weeny little tiny baby that seemed to be doing just fine! I never got any true results as to what is was (though now I have my suspicions), but I didn't care. My HcG levels were good and strong, and the baby had a heartbeat of 147, so I was happy. :-) We did find out also that the baby was measuring 7 weeks instead of 9! It was a little disheartening to go back two weeks, and I thought they would never end, but they went by pretty fast!
I stayed home most of that week, and just tried to rest.
On February 6 (Super Bowl Sunday), John and I decided to just stay home. We grilled steaks, and had a great evening together. and then it happened again. great. I knew I felt the same as the weekend before - no cramps, no nothing... so I just sat down, and took it easy the rest of the night.
Since then, it's been pretty non-eventful. I've felt ok off and on, with super sensitive gag reflexes, and crazy fatigue. The fatigue was borderline miserable, because I HATE staying on the couch all the time. I want to be moving around, and be active! I have pushed through as much as I've been able to...
I had one Dr. appt so far, and to be blunt about it, I pretty much peed in a cup, and they told me I was pregnant. I was so disappointed. This office is so busy that even though I should have already been back by now, I still have another 2 weeks to wait. I will be a little over 16 weeks, so maybe... just maybe, we can find out what we're having! I can't wait! I want to be able to call our little monkey by his/her name! I have a sneaking suspicion it's a boy, but we'll see!
ok, I think I've rambled on long enough - I guess that tends to happen when you only blog once in a blue moon. :-)
I have other things I could tell, but I'll leave those for the next novel.
Here's what's happening with our Little Monkey this week - I'm 14 weeks, 3 days today:
Week 15
Your growing baby now measures about 4 inches long, crown to rump, and weighs in at about 2 1/2 ounces (about the size of an apple). She's busy moving amniotic fluid through her nose and upper respiratory tract, which helps the primitive air sacs in her lungs begin to develop. Her legs are growing longer than her arms now, and she can move all of her joints and limbs. Although her eyelids are still fused shut, she can sense light. If you shine a flashlight at your tummy, for instance, she's likely to move away from the beam. There's not much for your baby to taste at this point, but she is forming taste buds. Finally, if you have an ultrasound this week, you may be able to find out whether your baby's a boy or a girl! (Don't be too disappointed if it remains a mystery, though. Nailing down your baby's sex depends on the clarity of the picture and on your baby's position. He or she may be modestly curled up or turned in such a way as to "hide the goods.")
Now, to the real post.
I realized that I had never really posted anything about my pregnancy up to this point. In the short time I was pregnant just over a year ago, I was all gung-ho about keeping everyone updated with every little detail. THis time has been different, because I've just been trying to keep myself calm, and stay relaxed so that I can at least enjoy this precious little life inside of me. :-)
So here's my story so far.
On January 8, my mom got that horrible horrible stomach virus that landed her in the ER that evening. If you know me at all, you know I'm horrified of vomiting. HORRIFIED. (Look it up, it's a real phobia - called Emetaphobia) When someone around me is sick, I completely freak out. Sooo... I was terrified I was going to catch this stupid bug, so I was bleach happy, and lysol happy. I mean, mom's really lucky that I didn't spray her down with lysol. I was on the internet researching how long this virus can stay alive on surfaces, and if you catch it, how long would it take to show up... and much more... I was freakin' paranoid!!
As that week progressed, I worried so much that I began to lose my appetite. I couldn't eat anything, and I actually would be nauseous some nights. Sometimes, I worry so much about it, that it does actually make me nauseous. That following Friday, John and I went with a Sunday School class from our church to Crossroads Bowling. We had supper, and then went to Ihop. I felt ok that night, but by the time we got to Ihop, I knew I wasn't hungry at all, so I played it safe, and ordered "air pudding." :-)
On the way home that night, I was super car sick, and thought I wasn't going to make it home. It was in the 20s outside, but I was rolling down windows, and turning the A/C up as far as it would go!! Poor John had icicles hanging from his ears.
Saturday night, we had a huge Shrimp cooking party, in honor of my dad's birthday weekend. I was able to eat a few, but not near as many as I normally would have!
By this time, I knew that something was going on. There was no way this was that silly virus, and while I still worried about it some, it wasn't the main thing on my mind at this point. I kept telling John I should take a test (even though I had already taken one way earlier in the month, and it was a BFN). That Sunday, I confided in Lauren and Shana that I was really suspecting, and that I was going to take a test soon, but wasn't going to get my hopes up.
Sooo.. That Sunday night, John and I "pretended" to go to WalMart to rent a RedBox, but we really went and bought the test.
Monday morning, January 17, I took a test... and it was a BFP!!! It wasn't like last time, where it was so faint that I had to look real hard to see it - it was blatantly there. Singing to me. :-) I calculated that at this point, I should have been 7 weeks along, so I was already farther along than last year. I was SO relieved to know I wasn't catching the stomach bug, but my loss of appetite, and random nausea was real, and not made up in my head!
We of course we told our parents, but after last year, we really didn't want to tell anyone, because retracting it was so crazy hard, and we just didn't want to go through it again. Well, of course, that didn't work, and we were telling everyone when I was 8 weeks or so. (I was still nervous about telling, but in this little town, there are no secrets!)
On January 31, I was at Happy Racket Band practice (a group I sing in from the church), and wasn't feeling all that great. When I stood up to leave and go home, I felt a huge gush, and I was just praying it wasn't blood. I called John on my way home to let him know, and that we needed to decide about going to the ER or not. I was so scared we were about to go through a loss all over again.
I got home, and it was a lot of blood, so I knew immediately we should go. We headed to Baptist Hospital, and they got me right in. Sparing the ER details, the results were:
We had an itsy bitsy teeny weeny little tiny baby that seemed to be doing just fine! I never got any true results as to what is was (though now I have my suspicions), but I didn't care. My HcG levels were good and strong, and the baby had a heartbeat of 147, so I was happy. :-) We did find out also that the baby was measuring 7 weeks instead of 9! It was a little disheartening to go back two weeks, and I thought they would never end, but they went by pretty fast!
I stayed home most of that week, and just tried to rest.
On February 6 (Super Bowl Sunday), John and I decided to just stay home. We grilled steaks, and had a great evening together. and then it happened again. great. I knew I felt the same as the weekend before - no cramps, no nothing... so I just sat down, and took it easy the rest of the night.
Since then, it's been pretty non-eventful. I've felt ok off and on, with super sensitive gag reflexes, and crazy fatigue. The fatigue was borderline miserable, because I HATE staying on the couch all the time. I want to be moving around, and be active! I have pushed through as much as I've been able to...
I had one Dr. appt so far, and to be blunt about it, I pretty much peed in a cup, and they told me I was pregnant. I was so disappointed. This office is so busy that even though I should have already been back by now, I still have another 2 weeks to wait. I will be a little over 16 weeks, so maybe... just maybe, we can find out what we're having! I can't wait! I want to be able to call our little monkey by his/her name! I have a sneaking suspicion it's a boy, but we'll see!
ok, I think I've rambled on long enough - I guess that tends to happen when you only blog once in a blue moon. :-)
I have other things I could tell, but I'll leave those for the next novel.
Here's what's happening with our Little Monkey this week - I'm 14 weeks, 3 days today:
Week 15
Your growing baby now measures about 4 inches long, crown to rump, and weighs in at about 2 1/2 ounces (about the size of an apple). She's busy moving amniotic fluid through her nose and upper respiratory tract, which helps the primitive air sacs in her lungs begin to develop. Her legs are growing longer than her arms now, and she can move all of her joints and limbs. Although her eyelids are still fused shut, she can sense light. If you shine a flashlight at your tummy, for instance, she's likely to move away from the beam. There's not much for your baby to taste at this point, but she is forming taste buds. Finally, if you have an ultrasound this week, you may be able to find out whether your baby's a boy or a girl! (Don't be too disappointed if it remains a mystery, though. Nailing down your baby's sex depends on the clarity of the picture and on your baby's position. He or she may be modestly curled up or turned in such a way as to "hide the goods.")
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