I suppose I should give an update since my last update! I've really gotten lazy with my blogging, but have a few minutes, so I'll let you in on what's going on here.
First a few Random Bullets -
- I'm so excited! My sister-in-law just got a job up here at the church. It's a part time position in our Bibleland Buddies! She started Saturday, and she told me she LOVES the 2 year olds. She was impressed with how they teach such young children about God. I'm excited that I'll get to see her every week, and that precious little nephew of mine. :-) I took him to support staff meeting last week, and he just ate it up. (So did they!)
- I think for the second time in 4 years - I've decided I'm not going to pursue moving away from San Antonio. The first time, God gave me a physical sign as to why I should stay where I was, but this time, I just feel Him telling me to stay put. This is hard for me to understand, because I really really really really miss East Texas, and want to go back. Technically, I could see physical signs again, because I'm in absolute AWE of God's creation every day I drive home...(For those of you that see my "hateful" traffic updates on Facebook, this part comes AFTER i've sat in traffic for a bazillion hours) I see scenery that i would never see in East Texas. The Hill Country is absolutely beautiful, and I can't believe I'm honored enough to live amongst such greatness. I wish my words could describe the beauty I see everyday when I walk out my front door. I love that. I want to keep that. If God has plans for me to go back to East Texas, then He'll open that door when the time comes. for now - I'll be content where I am (just as he told me the very first time...)
- I really wanted to start car shopping sometime this summer, since my debt management with my ex will be COMPLETELY gone in the fall. My car will be 7 this summer, with well over 120K miles on it, and frankly, it's starting to have some minor little problems that I don't want to turn into major ones. I still haven't gotten the timing belt changed. It sucks that John works on Saturdays, because these are the days we could be getting this stuff done! I've just recently learned of all the perks from buying a house in San Antonio, and if that's a possibility for us to pursue - I'll keep Hellina (My car - Hellina Honda), for a while so we can afford a house note IF we are able to pull that off by the time our lease is up this year.
- Lately, I've been really jealous of those who get to enjoy weekends with their husbands. The weather is absolutely beautiful right now, and I would love to be outside, working in the yard (if I had one), going to the lake, bike riding, and well, just being together. I know, I know...some of you don't have that. Maybe you're ok with it, maybe you're not, but I don't like it. It'd be one thing if I knew when he left in the morning that he would be home that afternoon, but I never know when he's gonna be home. He doesn't get off at a certain time. He can't just call it quits when 7 pm rolls around. He may not get off till 9-10 at night. Yes, we have Wednesdays together, and this is great, but anytime we want to take a weekend trip, it's a big hassle, because Time Warner can't seem to get their stuff together, and make those vacation days happen. Enough about that. :-)
- ok - now to my update from my last post. I did go back to my old OBGyn, and am so thankful I did. Except for the whole insurance fiasco. Then the nurse comes to the door, and I hear "Mrs. Drake?". "My name is not Drake anymore, it's Parker." "Well, by LAW I have to call you by what is on your insurance, so until you change that, I'll call you Drake." wow. umm...Haven't been a Drake in a year, and my insurance says PARKER!!!! My only comment to her was "this is the only office that has given me a problem over changing my insurance."
Dr. B. came in, and when I started telling her that I STILL haven't seen Aunt Flo, (It's been since January), she was a little concerned, and unlike the previous Doc who asked me what I wanted her to do about it - she immediately started trying to figure out what might be going on. She did blood work, and an ultrasound. The ultrasound revealed that I had just ovulated, and that i have PCOS (Poly cystic Ovary Syndrome). yay. It's a big cause of infertility, so she wanted to see if the cysts were the only thing I have, or if I had something else going on. She checked my thyroid, and my insulin resistance. Dr. B. was great. John was with me (imagine the look on his face when the lady called me by my previous married name!), and she made sure to explain everything very clear to him as well. He liked that. I was glad to have his support because I was really bummed. We concluded the visit, and she said that if my visitor didn't come in two weeks, since I ovulated, to take a pregnancy test, and if it was positive, come back and see her, and if it was negative, to fill the prescription she gave to me to force my visitor to come.
As I left the office, i gave them the insurance card that had PARKER as my last name, and requested it be changed.
The following monday, Dr. B called me to tell me that my thyroid meds were working because my levels were perfect, and I'm not insulin resistant. :-) Yay!! My treatment for PCOS? Weight Loss. I've already lost 3 pounds, so I'm excited about that. This is good motivation for me.
This Thursday will mark the two week wait, so we'll see what happens! I don't feel pregnant, but at this point, anything happening will make me happy!
Well, I suppose that's it for now...I really should be working, but wanted to do this while I was thinking of it. My dream would be to have something to report this week, but we'll see.
until then...