So - As I've mentioned in previous blogs, John and I would like to have a baby. Since I've moved to another side of town, and I like to try and schedule my Dr. Appointments for my off days, i decided to change doctors. I liked my other one, she's just a good long way from here. Soooo...I get a referral from my PCP. Let's just call the new ObGYN Dr. K.
First, I had to wait nearly two months to get in, so I thought - wow. She must be great! I patiently waited, and as the time got closer, I was getting excited. I've tried for a baby in the past (well, sorta tried, I suppose. - no sex when you're on Clomid? Is that really trying?), and knew there were some small issues. Well - a big one - I wasn't really ovulating.
Ok - so I'm on my way to the office. I leave in plenty of time, knowing there's gonna be paperwork, and all sorts of other HIPPA stuff to deal with. I have the address and the map printed out, and it seems really easy to find. It's right next to North Central Baptist, and I've been there a couple of times, so I sorta knew what was around. The address was 502 Madison Oak. I'm driving around, and the map takes me directly to the "Emergency Vehicles Only" entrance, and the HELIPAD!! Oh CRAP! I need to get out of here quickly. I drove all the way around the hospital, and I saw 505 Madison Oak, and then it jumped to 540 Madison Oak. What the..?? Of course, I didn't have the phone number, so I had to call someone back at my office to get the phone number off of the website. I call them, and it's THEN they inform me that they are located INSIDE the hospital. Hello? That would have been a nice bit of information to give me on the phone.
I arrive at the office, and I'm greeted by a girl who obviously is annoyed by having to come to work every day. I hate the HIPPA junk, where the office is all enclosed behind a peice of glass. The girl watched me sign in through the glass so that she would know who I was...went to the back, did a few things, and then opened the glass. There was no " are you..." nothing. Just a "there's a lady in front of you. Have a seat, and have your ID and insurance card out when I call you back up." By the time I got to my seat, she was calling me back. Grrr...
She was just very cold, and that pretty much set the tone for the rest of the visit. It wasn't long before I was called back, and the nurse was pretty friendly. She talked to me more than anyone else. She took me down a long hall to a bathroom, cause I had to take a pregnancy test. I'm a week late, and have had two negative tests so far. So...lovely - I had to carry my cup of pee all the way back to my room. For those of you that know me really well - you know I have bathroom phobias. I can't pee or anything if someone else is in the bathroom. I get all freaked out. So to carry this cup down the hall was pretty traumatizing. :-)
Finally, Dr. K comes in, and asks me what the purpose of my visit was, so I start patient, no period, have been irregular for years now, want to get pregnant, yadda yadda yadda... She was very hard to talk to. I never got really comfortable with her. As a matter of fact, I felt plain stupid. After a couple of minutes talking to her, she left out, so I could put the gown on. It takes me less than 2 minutes, and I can hear her outside my door, talking to two men. 10 minutes later, she finally comes back in, and proceeds with the examination. Sshe asked what steps I had taken previously to make sure I was ovulating, and I told her that i physically went to the doctor, and had an ultrasound done to check.
The breast exam - I'm a very modest person. I don't like for people to see my body. My previous doc would always keep the gown closed, and respectfully do the exam under the gown. Not Dr. K. She's gonna totally expose me while laying on the table, and while I'm on the table, totally free to the world, her nurse is going to open the door wide open, and just walk on in. Lovely.
Well, basically, after I talked to her a little bit, she looks at me, and says "Well, what do you want me to do? Your previous problems could have been your ex husband, so try some OPKs, and chart your BBT. If you're not pregnant in three months, come back and see me."
No. Thank. You.
In the mean time, I still haven't started and with my history of ruptured cysts, it makes me a little uncomfortable that she didn't give me the normal meds to jumpstart my cycle.
I think i'll go back to my old doc. Oh, and remember the part where I said I try to make appointments for my days off? My days off are Wednesdays - She doesn't work on Wednesday either.