It's been a while since I've posted, huh? oops.
Truth is - i just haven't felt like it. I've been suffering lately from the big "D".
So much has happened over the past month or so, but truth is, i still don't feel like posting.
Let's see, there was Christmas, New Year's, a terrible week back at work, the Christmas ornaments I promised to show you (last post), my "hope to accomplish in 2009" list, fully restored relationships, and maybe a few other things.
I suppose for now, I'll just write out my "Hope to Accomplish List for 2009".
(Goals is a very nasty word to me right now, due to the week I had at work last week. :-) )
- Accomplish at least 80% of this list.
- Read and Study "The Heart of the Artist"
- Go on a honeymoon with John
- Have a baby, or at least get pregnant (not looking so good so far).
- Have all Drake debts paid off - Will post about that in March.
- Get my teeth straight again
- Grow and strengthen my relationship with my Lord.
- Grow and strengthen my relationship with John.
- Tithe weekly
- Move back to Houston by this time next year.
Well, those are them for now. Most of them are pretty big, but at least they are all achievable, right?
One thing I do feel is worth mentioning is the "restored relationship" I mentioned above.
In 1993-1994, a very special family moved to Buna, TX. My new youth minister, his wife, and their 5 children. I remember those of us my age were disappointed to learn that there wasn't a really hot guy our age that we would be sharing classes with. (This was the case with all the previous ministers...they all had sons that Jamie, Lauren, and I all took turns dating, and fighting over. HA!) Turns out, that was just fine. I soon became close to one of the daughters, who was a few years younger than I. I was also very close to her mom. I really looked up to her for everything.
Well, I'm not sure what happened, but she (the daughter), and I grew apart. We both talked about each other, backstabbed each other, and sometimes, I think we competed for the same friends...
One night, my mom and I went over to their house, and had a long talk to try and get it all out, and figure out what went wrong. We mended things right then, and although we were never close as we used to be, we didn't seem to have some kind of vendetta against each other any longer. Honestly, I think we really only talked a handful of times over the next 13 years.
This past October (15 years later), she was in San Antonio for a conference. John and I ended up picking her up from her hotel, and we went out to eat. I took her on a tour of Oak Hills Church, and we really had a great visit. I remember calling my mom and just telling her how mature and grown up she was.
Last Saturday, I got a message from her. She is studying the Fruits of the Spirit, and her focus now is Love. "Show me how to love like you have loved me." After 15 years, Jo Lynn Hawk apologized to me for all the crap that went on when we were in Jr. High and High School. I was in awe of how God is working in her life, and I put this out there publicly for everyone to see, because it meant that much to me. I apologized back to her, and told her I had forgiven her years ago.
The following week, I did the same thing. I made amends with people at work, and now, I'm working on who I need to go back, and ask forgiveness from.
Thank you, Jo Lynn for touching my life with a simple little note. You are truly growing into a mature woman of God.